ASTM D1122 for density or relative density of engine coolant concentrates
ASTM D1122 standard test method for density or relative density of engine coolant concentrates and engine coolants by the hydrometer
5. Apparatus
5.1 Hydrometers - Hydrometers shall be of glass, graduated in specific gravity range as listed in Table 1, and shall conform to Specification E 100.

5.2 Hydrometer Cylinder - The hydrometer cylinder in which the sample for the relative density test is confined shall be made of clear glass and shall be cylindrical in shape. For convenience in pouring, it may have a lip on the rim. The inside diameter of the cylinder shall be at least 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) greater than the outside diameter of the hydrometer. The height of the cylinder shall be such that the length of the column of sample it contains is greater by at least 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) than the portion of the hydrometer which is immersed beneath the surface of the sample after a state of equilibrium has been reached.

5.3 Thermometer - An ASTM Gravity Thermometer 12C, having a range from -20 to +120°C (or 12F having a range from -5 to +215°F) and conforming to Specification E 1.

5.4 Water Bath - A water bath capable of maintaining a sample temperature of 15.5 +/- 0.3°C (60 +/- 0.5°F) during the test.

6. Sampling
6.1 Sample the coolant in accordance with Test Method D1176, except as specified in this test method.