13. Precision and Bias
NOTE 4 - The precision of this test method was not obtained in accordance with RR: D02-1007.
13.1 Results should not differ from the mean by more than the following amounts:

NOTE 5 - The precision data were obtained using a galvanometer. Equivalent results would be expected when using a microvolt ammeter. Deviations will be greater than those shown for very impure samples, for compounds in which the liquid-solid equilibrium is established sluggishly, and for compounds having small values of the cryoscopic constant A.
13.2 Bias:
13.2.1 The procedure in this test method for measuring freezing point has no bias because the freezing point value can be defined only in terms of this test method, which is a function of the purity of the reference materials.
14. Keywords
14.1 crystallization; freeze point; LPG; pure hydrocarbons; purity