(Equivalent Tests: IP 2, ISO 2977, DIN 51775, and AFNOR M07-02)
The aniline (or mixed aniline) point helps in characterization of pure hydrocarbons and in their mixtures. Aromatics exhibit the lowest and paraffins the highest values. Cyclo-paraffins and olefins exhibit values between these two extremes. In homologous series the aniline point increases with increasing molecular weight. Aniline point measurement is most often used to estimate the aromatic content of mixtures.
There are five methods of analysis in this test method:
Method A is used for transparent samples with an initial boiling point above room temperature and where the aniline point is below the bubble point and above the solidification point of the aniline-sample mixture,
Method B, a thin film method, is suitable for samples too dark for testing by Method A,
Methods C and D are for samples that may vaporize appreciably at the aniline point,
Method D is particularly suitable where only small quantities of sample are available, and
Method E uses an automatic apparatus suitable for the range covered by Methods A and B.

Bias of this test method has not been developed.